Sometimes when I listen for you, God,
All I hear is, well, nothing.
Oh, there are those glorious days when my wait time is zero.
'cause you take off like a bat out of hell!
Oops. Sorry. Me bad.
It’s true, though! Some days, I can’t keep up with you.
But other ones?
Nothing. Nada. Nyeht.
Like today.
Not a single thing. No thing. Nothing.
Wait. What?
You say you always have something to say to me?
But first, so I can hear,
You want me to relax my body...empty my mind...and open my spirit to you?
So, you're saying that's what'll happen if I just sit very still and be very quiet for a nice long time?
(Long pause)
You still there, God?
How long is "...a nice long time?"
(Longer pause)
Okay. Okay. I get your point.
It's long enough to create a space for you to come into...a place of nothing.
(Oh, you’re good, God! You are really good.)
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10 NRSV Bible)