Welcome to a place of spiritual refreshment and contemplative conversation

Saturday, March 24, 2018


This Godness within.

It pulls at us,
this voice calling from out of a darkness 
so vast, so otherworldly, 
even angelic.
It tugs at us with such strength and tenacity 
that it disarms us.
It bursts the bonds of our fears, 
our pride, our self-aggrandizing egos. 

With it a new morning breaks upon us.
With it comes a dual awakening
—this Godness within is truly God
—this Godness within is truly me. 

At first, we wonder.
It feels foreign,
maybe even fake.
“Where is this coming from?
Can I trust it?” we ask.

But in time we realize, 
“This is my truest reality,
my inmost identity,
my deepest self.”

From it blooms the who 
that you and I are to the world. 
From it comes the fruitage, 
the why for which we have come.

From this “Mary moment” forward,
there is no longer a need to wonder. 
Only to wander. 
And ponder.

For the reaches of the Holy within are cosmic.
Here no one place is safe. It is all safe. 
Here no one place is sacred. It is all sacred. 
“I’m home,” we will say.
“I’m finally home,”
with a joy and certitude, and a grace
which only a moment ago was invisible
Yet now feels so true,
and now looms so large
before the eye of our eyes.

Entering here, we experience a holy beyond 
any church, any synagogue, 
any mosque, any mountain. 
It is the holy of holies
within each of us.
All of us.

A place so safe 
that we hear ourselves whispering to God, 
“Here, have your way with me,” 
while knowing that so vulnerable a surrender 
will in no way endanger us 
but instead, lovingly free us,
transmuting us
from our fears,
from our pride,
from our egos.

Here we offer a consent, 
and an appendix—
a daring cry to be freed 
from our own small selves so that, 
forsaking our falseness, 
we are unfettered to roam the far reaches
of this Godness within
—and then without.

So, feel it. 
Let your soul sense it.
Succumb to its tender beckoning.
Let its fullness come upon you.
Let its power eclipse you.

Each time we do,
each time we give our small selves over to it,
we will know that which our souls have been seeking. 

And, our hearts will speak a wisdom 
with unrestrained slapdash and delight. 
They will exude a song so sweet, 
and thrill so deep,
that we cannot help but voice 
a resounding “Yes!” to Life. 

The great awakening.
This Godness within 
is truly God, truly me!

We can marvel at its gentle way,
wander in its well-being,
and be pleased.

“Then Mary said [to the angel Gabriel], "Here am I. . . let it be with me according to your word,”  (Luke 1:38) 

Friday, March 16, 2018


It’s astonishing!

How much more we see
when we slow down!

I don’t mean
slowing down
just long enough
so we can catch our breath
so we can speed up again.

And no,
I’m not talking about just
moving out of the fast lane.
I don’t mean slowing down by half.
Not even half of half.


if only for a few moments,
slow all the way down to now.
Slow down to this moment
just this moment.

When we do
we see more of the magnificent
as well as the mundane,
more of the extraordinary
in the ordinary,
more of the beautiful
beneath the ugly.

We’ll be surprised,
more than likely stunned,
maybe even stupefied
by what we see.

“Has this always been here?” 
we’ll ask incredulously.
Life will seductively respond,
“Yes…and so much more!”

We’ll see things
—things we’ve been missing—
joy, love, forgiveness, kindness, appreciation, splendor
—to name just a few.

And we’ll be the wiser, the richer, the fuller for it—
more joyful…and less judgmental,
more loving…and less loathing,
more forgiving…and less frightening,
more kind…and less callous,
more appreciative…and less arrogant,
more awed…and less apathetic.

We will discover where we had only known.
We will know where we had only wondered.
We will wonder where we had only doubted.
We will doubt where we had only been certain.

In short,
we will see
—as if for a first time—
what has been here all along.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Monday, March 5, 2018


It’s so easy
to look around
and envy people who appear to be
more “privileged” than we are.
We need not look far.
Seems, at any given moment,
just about anyone
will fill the bill.

But stop right there.

You are by far the most privileged person you know.

You are the only one who gets to determine
The who,
the what,
the when,
the where,
the why…
of you.

You get to determine
the direction of your life
in this—and for that matter—
every other moment.

Sure, there are outside influences,
external forces,
extenuating circumstances.
And some of them
come pretty close
to being “givens.”
Givens over which you seem to have little or no control,
givens that govern,
givens that will get to you...

if you let them.

But all,
and I mean all of them,
are external, right?
And, being external,
their sway and swagger are only
as great (or small)
as significant (or insignificant),
and influential (or inconsequential),
as expanding (or constricting),
as empowering (or disempowering)
as you choose
to let
or make
them be.

My point is simply this:
Internal is where it’s at.
“Internal” here defined as our inner state of well being
where the point of our personal privilege resides.

some have more wealth,
some have more status,
more opportunity,
more beauty,
ad nauseam

—or so it may seem.

And yes,
some have fewer troubles,
some have fewer issues,
fewer problems,
fewer setbacks,


But, may I remind you
no one else…and I mean no one else,
enjoys the inexplicably deep personal privilege of being you.
No one else is the unique "one and only" individual you are.
No one else is the one-of-a-kind expression of life’s love you are.
No one else is the inimitable microcosm of the universe you are.

No one.

So stop stomping on everyone else’s personal privilege.
Instead, focus on living in—and out—
of your own.

And for that matter,
stop stomping on your own personal privilege.
You’ve sabotaged yourself long enough.

It stops here.

It stops now.

This is it.

From now on,
every time you feel the urge to sabotage
the incredible point of personal privilege with skin on it that
you and you alone are—


Take a deep breath.
Maybe even sigh deeply once or twice.
Let go of it.
Lovingly, forgivingly, compassionately
look yourself in the I

and admit it:

Life is hard
That’s just the way it is,
It's the way it usually comes
—even on a good day.

pick your point of personal privilege up off the floor.
Breath slowly…deeply….joyfully…into it

and go…

kiss the world.
“…and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39)