Once again,
I’ve come here, to the quiet.
I’ve come to be with you, God.
I’ve come to be caressed by your joy.
Once again, I’ve forgotten that I am of you.
So, I’ve forgotten the joy with which you created me,
I’ve forgotten the joy with which you called me into being
from out of your being.
But now,
even in this brief moment of attending
to the you in me,
I know healing is happening.
Joy is returning.
Once again,
you create in me a clean heart, O God.
You renew a right spirit within me.
You cast me not away from your presence.
You take not your holy spirit from me.
You restore in me the joy of your salvation.
And you uphold me with your freeing spirit.
Once again, I see
It is you, not me.
You make me whole.
I see
you make me.
Over and over and over.
You create me—once again,
as in the first making of all things.
And I give thanks.
I trumpet your grandeur
even as I shine with your ecstasy.
there is much I don't know,
there is much I don’t understand
about you,
about me.
But once again,
I will trust in you today
even as you will trust in me.
And trust is so much bigger than knowing,
so much bigger than understanding
so much bigger than me.
Once again,
I’m glad I came.
(Psalm 51:10-12)