Welcome to a place of spiritual refreshment and contemplative conversation

Friday, December 31, 2021


Up on its scintillating surface 

this day, like all others, appears to be about 

the places we go, things we do, people we see.

But that’s just its craftily engineered veneer.

Deep beneath its sensorial skin, 

today is really about birthing.

Our mother gave us physical birth 

along with something else, something 

equally loving, equally astounding.

She put the oxygen mask on first, 

showed us how birthing is done,

showed us that it can be done. 

Note that none of our birth

was actually in our control, 

--and for good reason!

Knowing neither what was happening, 

nor what we were doing, 

we’d likely have botched it badly

or worse, knowing human nature, 

we may have opted not to go through with it. 

After all, what was your first reaction? 

You cried.

And what of the new year? 

What will we do with this gift

from the Mother of all mothers,

born of the most primal habit 

of the universe: giving birth. 

No, the places, things, people:

They are not the why of our being,

but the what, the when, the where,

and the how of our own giving of birth.

The why? The why of our ways 

is to carry on what Mother conceived,

to give birth to life, to love, to joy.

Monday, December 27, 2021


However you spent the Christmas holiday this year…
Now, before the global glow is gone…now that we've gotten a little distance from it but the memories are still strong…now is a good time to think about everything that happened (or didn’t that we’d hoped would) and ask ourselves…
Was I the kind of person I aspire to be? Did I say or do anything I wish now I hadn’t? Did I use the opportunities at hand to convey genuine kindness, respect and maturity? If not, why not? Really, why not? (We’re at our growing edge here.) And please note: I’m not suggesting that others didn’t contribute to any discord that may have occurred. I’m saying reflecting on someone else’s role won’t help us--or them!--one iota as much as considering our own role and reasoning.
In short, let’s ask ourselves, “What was I thinking?”
It’s not a good time to take down the tree or the trimmings. It’s not a good time to forget all the fun. And it’ll never be a good time to let go of the laughter, the stories, and the gaiety galore. But now is a good time to let go of the petty little disagreements and disappointments over the things that didn’t go just the way we’d hoped. Now is a good time to cling to the beautiful little serendipities, the ones that no one saw coming but everyone loved. Now is a good time to learn from our own less-than-helpful thinking.
No need to wait for New Year’s to make decisions about being the kind of person we want to be. Let’s be that person right now! Now, while the memories are still fresh, let's give ourselves the gift only we can give: the opportunity to learn from ourselves.
Now’s a good time to remember the Walton family doesn’t exist.

Friday, December 24, 2021


We unpack decorations, we light up the tree,

all the time thinking how happy we’ll be,

when we finally sit down to savor it all,

the laughter, the love, the sweet folderol.

But what is the “this” of this Christmas for you,

What is the bliss beneath all that you’ll do?

For some it’s the glitz, the glitter, the glam,

For some it’s the hustle, for some it’s the ham, 

For some it’s the chance to make merry, be wild, 

For some it’s the shepherds, the manger, the Child. 

It’s hearing a story as old as the hills

while gathered ‘round carols in halls decked with frills.

But what about those for whom Christ isn’t real,

If Christmas is Christmas we care how they feel.

For Christian and Jew, Muslim and None, 

all celebrations of life, of love, are but one.

Let’s ponder with Mary the bigger "Yes!" here;

true Christmas bliss can be shared far and near.

Isn’t this just what our world needs today,

and isn’t this “this” what Christ came to convey?

So let’s gift each “other” all the peace love can bring, 

now that’s a song even angels can sing.

Monday, December 20, 2021


“Write one good sentence.”

This was Ernest Hemingway’s answer to the question, “How do you write a book?”

For about a year and a half I’ve been reaching out to you twice a week with these posts, prayers and poems. My goal has been (and remains) to focus on the one subject that I think has the transformative power to positively (and instantaneously) shape e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g else. That one subject: thinking about how we think.

Most of the time, most of us don’t do this. 

Notice, I seldom write about current events or opinion in mass or social media. In part, I’m steering clear of the divisive or derisive. But in particular, I steer clear here in order to focus all our brain power (yours and mine) on what lies beneath the thinking that up on the world’s surface, is revered as the reigning wisdom. 

Question: What is the singular purpose of every sermon or political speech you’ve ever heard? Answer: To shape how you think. 

Unfortunately, both politics and religion already have or are quickly coming to a screeching halt as either the means or the messengers of authentic wellbeing--a wellbeing we don’t just desire--A WELLBEING THAT IS EVERY ANIMATE AND INANIMATE BEING'S BIRTHRIGHT. Sadly, I say this even of Christianity--and I’m one of its pastors.

One of my favorite sayings is…”If you see a snake, never mind where it came from!”

Never mind the individuals who espouse the thinking that got us here, both politics and religion are being co-opted by long, sharp, ego-infused fangs of thinking that are blatantly unsurvivable for any but the very most privileged perpetrators of their poison.

Learning to write one good sentence is something we begin doing as toddlers with “Me want Mommy.” or “No sleep!” But it does not and cannot end there. Neither can learning how to think. Rather, it’s a commitment we must--and can--continuously make to ourselves and each other for the rest of our lives.

Just as a single “good sentence” is the secret to writing a whole book, thinking a single “good” thought upon another, and another, is the secret to transforming the whole of our thinking, feeling, acting…our living.  

There, I did it again! We pastors tend to talk a lot before we say anything. Guilty as charged! But I love writing to you (whoever you are) about these things and will continue to do so. In return, please remember, your wisdom is welcome here…and in the world. 

Life. Let’s think about it. Together.




Saturday, December 18, 2021


It’s coming, I can tell, the older I get, the less I remember, the more I forget. It’s a gradual reclining, like my favorite chair, that goes with graying and losing my hair. I still can recall all my grandkids names, but I suck at playing their video games. That roll of their eyes I’ve learned to ignore, But oh, how I hate when they insist I snore. And never mind asking, “ Where are the keys?” Where’d I park the car? Help me! Please! I had more to say. But what? Can’t remember. Will someone please tell me, are we in December?! Well there, I’ve fessed up to my very worst fear, yet I can’t complain, most of me’s still here. Cognitive decline? No, not there quite yet. But cognitive recline? That’s a pretty sure bet. I still think I’m ingenious though others think me daff. So I’ll let my lucidity go, just don’t take my laugh.

Monday, December 13, 2021



Something funny’s going on here.

I write these words (hopefully) for your benefit, right? (My ego likes to think “I’ve got this one!”) But when I honestly ask, “How do they apply to my life?” sometimes I get this uncanny “custom tailored” (read: Gulp!) feeling. For instance, when I finished writing “Unstick,” I felt like I heard a voice saying, “Jer, this is precisely the kind of thinking YOU will personally benefit from greatly!” It’s as if I’m my own first audience.

And that’s my point. When it comes to our thoughts, even though we may think we’re directing them toward someone else--like it or not--WE ARE OUR OWN FIRST AUDIENCE. 

This is what’s so wonderful about wisdom: No need to argue over where it came from--God, parents, universe, life, subconscious, soul, experience, Holy Spirit, divine spark, life force--all of the above. Fact is, it’s here. And it’s in each of us. Further, being wisdom, it just makes good organic sense that it must speak TO us before it can speak THROUGH us--in order to be authentic-- which it cannot not be.

I’m not talking here about our self-critical voice (the one that likes to chop us up into bite size pieces) or to the voices of the world on their constant creep. The good news is, we know this voice when we hear it. Softly, compassionately, intimately, it only speaks truth--and only in love. 

Yes, we do need to stop everything to hear this still small voice. But isn’t wisdom worth it? And besides, isn’t it easier to hear the hard stuff from deep within our own loving selves rather than from somewhere else?

Nothing funny about that.




Friday, December 10, 2021


My mind is rambling, 

scrambling to hold on 

to its turf, its tenure, its toys.

It’s tossing me carrot after carrot 

hoping to bait me back to the good ol’ days, 

the good ol’ days of painting by number,

of playing king of the hill and winner takes all,

of producing by the hour, minute, second.

Truthfully? It seems threatened, insecure,

needing to be the one in control of me. 

But my heart is saying to it, 

“Hey, everything’s okay. You can let go. 

You can let me lead. For just the moment. 

He’ll be back before you know it, 

back to leading from his left,

checking his quiver of to do lists,

maintaining his labyrinth of labels.

I just want him for a while. 

I want to feel with him, 

and for him to feel me. 

I want to play pretend with him,

help him color outside his lines again,

and fly like a kite in the true blue sky

on the sweet winds of surrender. And serenity.

I want to re-mind him that he’s already free,

always has been, always will be.” 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021



You know the story.

In the ‘93 movie Groundhog Day, Bill Murray plays a frustrated, self-pitying weatherman assigned to shadow the Punxsutawney, PA groundhog. Again. While there, he goes from the initial, if shocking, realization of his situation, to denial, to acceptance and finally, to affirmation. And that’s the movie!

Murray’s Sad Sack story actually sounds a lot like the prodigal son who also “came to his senses” (Luke 15) and whose new life began there in a pigsty the moment he rethought who--and whose--he really was.

What caused the striking and life-liberating transformation in both? It wasn’t a change in their situation. No. It was a change in their thinking about their situation!

Yes, we know this story--because it's our story. It’s ancient and archetypal yet exceedingly relevant today. It begs us to look at our own lives, especially where we feel stuck. Oddly, it’s in the Punxsutawney, PA’s and the pigsties of life where some of our own most authentic and lasting changes begin. Why? BECAUSE THAT’S WHERE WE FINALLY DECIDE TO THINK ABOUT HOW WE'RE THINKING.

Look what can happen when we do.

Fortunately, we don’t have to wait till we’re neck deep in a personal disaster. We can proactively think about how we think. And who knows? We may get similar surprising results! We may even discover places we’re stuck and didn’t realize it.

Or, to put it another way, unless you and I think somewhat differently today than we did yesterday, well, it’ll just be another groundhog day.





Friday, December 3, 2021


In the night I had a dream, 

in the dream I was lazing, 

gazing down from miles above,

from miles above this true blue ball.

While I hung there in limbo’s oblivion,

perched on the cusp of space's space,

I saw below a nightcast mountain range

and there, traversing on its wrinkled way, 

I saw a thin line, a Titanium white band

snaking its way down through deep valleys 

and up over high mountain passes.

Then I saw, midway on the skin thin ribbon, 

a super white dot, a spot so white

it shimmered like a sparkler on the 4th.

Suddenly a beam of that white, a stream 

as white as the dancing dot, shot upward

leaving behind it the trail of a tracer. 

And I knew. I knew It was coming for me. 

Then, enveloping my fleshly frame, 

it tractor-beamed me down, down, 

until I became the spot, yes, I became

the sparkling dot on the liquid line, 

that sizzled like a dynamite fuse,

through a darkness thick and creamy.

In the morning meaning came for a visit:

Mine was an out-of-soul experience.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


How many specks are there in a log?

When Jesus said, “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye,” notice what he didn’t say: ”...take the SPECK out of your own eye. No, he said, “log.” Definitely, LOG.

The moral? Judge ourselves first then, if we have any time, energy or interest left (which we won't), we can focus on the other guy.

But maybe there’s more...

Is he suggesting that we use our natural tendency (read: highly refined practice) toward judging others not to their detriment but to help us identify and work on our own flaws? (Yes, I know I’m on thin ice here. Gulp!) Does each judgment we make instantly offer a rich and readily available treasure trove of boots-on-the-ground intel from which we can learn and grow personally? After all, my interpretation of your words, actions, and motivations may or may not be accurate (frequently not!), but it is a surefire way for me to get to know my own seedy little self--that is, if I dare look in the mirror. (Like I said, thin ice.)

It's actually an empowering message that frees us both and if we choose to practice it, one which will most certainly be relationally transformative as well.

Finally, with his words, “take the log…” Jesus offers both clarity and solidarity: He knows...and wants us to know...we can do this! Yes, it’s work. No, it’s not for the faint of heart. But, at its core, what he’s encouraging here is our wakefulness and mindfulness--our consciousness--for the betterment of all. Besides, he's got our back.

Did somebody say it’s Advent?*




*Advent is the 4-week “season” prior to Christmas that focuses on preparing our hearts to re-celebrate the birth of Jesus. Its theme: Wake up!

Saturday, November 27, 2021


Most things don’t matter.

Yes, some things do, 

and those things really matter!

But most of the things, especially

those that twist my psyche into a pretzel?

Well, they just don’t.

It’s just so easy to get confused

--and then stay there--

about what is and isn’t important. 

So, when it comes 

to the do’s and don'ts of matter, 

I turn to love.

It keeps asking me,

“What’s the loving thing to do?”

Besides, it helps me cull 

my wheat from my chaff, 

it motheringly chides me 

not to bother taking offense 

at every little thing my ego 

prods me to go ballistic over, 

and it smooths the grooves

of my oh-so-easily-ruffled feathers. 

So, I’m learning, slowly, yes,

but I’m learning, I can trust 

in the thrust of love. 

Plus, I like the friends 

that Love hangs with. 

Faith, soft and sweet, 

reminds me not to rely 

on my puny little self so I can see

my own bigger, brighter, bolder picture.

And Hope? Hope keeps me playing my life forward 

even when I get stuck in my own mud. 

No, most things really don’t matter

but Faith, Hope and Love?

Yes, these three.

They really do.

(Based on I Corinthians 13:13)

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


All too often we humans deal in frivialities and trivialities.

But you, Source of our lives and our legacies, you deal in the immensities of boundless grace and peace, unfettered justice and mercy. We deal in days and hours, minutes and seconds. You deal in infinities and eternities. We deal in commodities and securities. You deal in faith and hope and love. We deal in microbiology and macro-economics. You deal in creating quarks and constellations. We deal in self-gratification and self-aggrandizement. You deal in care and compassion for all with whom we share this spherical home. We deal in violence and revenge. You deal in forgiveness and reconciliation, wellbeing and wholeness. We deal in inadequacies and idiosyncrasies. You deal in dignity and beauty, honor and truth.

Yet in your infinite wisdom, you are present not just among us. But also within us. We are made of you. And it shows. You shine within our humanity and reveal our divinity--the greatest immensity of all.

Thank you.




Friday, November 19, 2021


I am free, 

free to be,

free to be,

and be and be.

Won’t you come,

come with me,

come and be,

free with me.

Together we,

you and me,

we can help

the world to see,

just how free,

just how free,

just how free,

we all can be. 

“If you continue in my word, 

you are truly my disciples; 

and you will know the truth, 

and the truth will make you free.” 

John 8:31 NRSV Bible

Monday, November 15, 2021


You know by now one of my favorite topics is joy. It’s a prominent life theme for me. More than that, it’s my personal mission statement in just four words: BE JOY. BRING JOY.

I try to start (and sometimes restart) every moment of every minute, hour, and day with joy. Why? Because it’s the best attitude and feeling there is. Because in its purest form it’s unconditional. Because when I’m feeling joy, I’m feeling fantastic. It’s when I’m most resilient, most altruistic, most generous, most forgiving, most insightful, most aware, most enthusiastic, and most in touch with both my internal and external landscape. 

It’s when I’m at my personal best. It’s how I access my greatest creativity, make my best decisions, experience my deepest sense of wellbeing, feel my healthiest sense of control. It’s when I’m less likely to be controlling, manipulative, or egocentric (Well, a little!). 

In short, it’s when I’m most alive!

Can we “conjure up” the feeling of joy? Absolutely. Just like we manufacture any other feeling (love, hate, fear, anger, etc.)--often doing so with such finesse and frequency that we don’t even think about it. In fact, based on early childhood experiences and taught values, we learn certain emotions and clusters of emotions. We become so proficient at feeling them that, from an early age on, they become habit. For better...and worse. Once so, we no longer need to think in order to feel them. In fact, we need to mindfully think to NOT feel them!  

Often, we don’t even think about the fact that we can choose what we feel--and that we are doing so absolutely every waking minute of our lives. No, we just go there. Feel our feelings. Do them. And then they do--or undo--us.




Saturday, November 13, 2021


Something different today, friends.

I invite you to share one of your favorite quotes. It may have come from a famous person or from your grandmother--who may have been a famous person. Doesn’t matter. They have subtle but surprising transformative power in our thinking (and subsequent actions) because, like a good friend, we keep them close to our hearts and return to them again and again. Both in the moment we read them and for the rest of our lives they authentically change us. 

Here’s one of mine by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“Finish every day and be done with it…You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. To-morrow is a new day; you shall begin it well and serenely, and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” 

Monday, November 8, 2021


We, along with every other species of plant or animal--and the universe itself, seem to be bound together in a singular mission: to evolve and expand. Barring the obvious, “We’re here. We like it. Let’s stick around!” even astrophysicists can only speculate as to why this seems to be the primal and primary purpose of all life forms.

Both historically and currently, we see evidence of this inherent drive at the individual and collective levels (persons, families, communities, corporations, governments, nations, religions). Some do it well and thrive. Some do not. Most lie somewhere in between.

Oddly, other than DNA, we don’t come with instructions. So, except for natural disasters (poor dinosaurs, Pompeians, etc.), it appears the “how” is up to us. (Maybe those ARE the instructions!) That is, each of us gets to decide how we’re going to help bring this mission to fruition.


Here's a single question that can not only enable us to contribute to this grandest scheme of things. It can also help us connect with each other and the rest of the universe while doing so.

The question?  How can I personally evolve and expand in this situation, this opportunity, this crisis, this mistake, this relationship, this challenge, this failure, this success, this job, this endeavor, this niche, this debacle, this triumph, this disaster, this etc.?

Or if you prefer the short version . . . in this moment?




Saturday, November 6, 2021


Today was a day they wished we’d stayed in bed,

But alas, we’d resolved to clean the garden shed.

“They,” four little furries sleeping peacefully hidden,

in between rakes, stakes, mower and midden.

The first one I outed made for the door.

The second took a dive down a hole in the floor.

The third one, God only knows where it landed,

when it leapt from the box which I had been handed,

‘cause the box, too, took flight. Yes, I freaked. What a sight!

But really, can you blame me when I had such a fright?

Besides, who knew they could scurry so fast! 

When clearly, at stake was their sorry little ass.

While the remains of this day soon become history,

the whereabouts of that last vermin linger in mystery.

As I reckon where that little beady-eye wanders

The tippy tip tip of my frontal lobe ponders;

if we humans keep choosing our fight or flight brain,

as a species we can’t help but go down the drain.

But enough for now, time to quit all my gritchin’,

I just got word, there’s a mouse in the kitchen.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Great minds (e.g. Aristotle, Madame Curie, Mozart, Catherine the Great, Einstein) don’t typically think in the same loops that most of us do. They think deeper down, higher up, farther out, further in. The one thing they don’t do is think alike.

More importantly, great minds think differently--THAN THEY PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT--that is, they are continuously observing, questioning, exploring and expanding. They don’t just let go of time-honored ways of thinking. They leave behind currently accepted norms and conventions. In other words, they push out their what-if’s. Then push some more.

We often think that such people have bigger, better, brawnier brains than ours. And it’s true--sometimes! But even the greatest minds must approach thought with the same curiosity, openness and humility as we do. Seldom do they change the world with a single magnificent break-through idea--and never ex nihilo. Rather, it’s the organic consequence of a lifelong practice of thinking differently.

How we think determines how we see the world--and more importantly, ourselves--in it. How we think is the basis upon which all religion, philosophy, science, technology, medicine and mathematics--indeed, nations and empires are built. It’s responsible for every discovery, every breakthrough, every advancement throughout history. It determines how we respond to anything and everything that happens to us--regardless of our age, circumstances or station in life. It determines not only how happy or sad, joyful or mad we are in any given moment. It also decides how small or great a contribution we make throughout our lifetime. 

No, great minds don’t think alike. . . but small ones often do.




Friday, October 29, 2021




Monday, October 25, 2021


I’m sorry, but something about this pop-up, if hackneyed, phrase makes me want to stick my finger down my throat. 

Maybe it’s the unadulterated narcissism with its bald premise that life should be all about you--or better yet--me. Maybe it’s feeling that our self-aggrandizing culture has upped the ante again. Living the good life is no longer good enough. No, the only life worth living is our “best” life. Maybe it’s the erroneous notion that there actually is such a thing as a “best” life out there. But you only get one so don’t blow it!  

Then again, maybe it’s the phrase’s underriding value system which implies that living is all about “besting,” that is, being, having, doing the best of this, the best of that--and so worthy of all our time, energy and resources. Maybe it’s knowing that this thinking sets us up for chronic failure by creating ever higher, ever more unattainable goals. Or, maybe it’s the arrogance of thinking that you and I can determine what’s best for ourselves--never mind what’s best for anyone else. 

As our 4 year old grandson Jonah would say to me, “Baboo, I need a little halp here.”

*I have mixed feelings about what I’ve written today. My take on “live your best life” is both critical and negative. Is it legit? (Hmm.) I can see you going at least two ways: 1. It reveals a lot about biases--mine, and maybe yours. (Hmm again.) 2. It’s a fine example of how easily our thinking can go down a rabbit hole, one thought blindly following another.

Either way, it’s dark down here.




Friday, October 22, 2021


So much to touch.

So much to feel.

So much to see.

So much to sense.

So much to taste.

So much to treasure.

So much to hear.

So much to hallow.

So much to smell.

So much to savor.

Go slow, my spirit, go slow, 

so you can thrill to the glorious 

that is the life within life, 

in all that surrounds you,

in all that is within you.

And you will glow.

Monday, October 18, 2021


Today I’d like to go to the edge with you. But first, let’s do a little “net work.”

From birth to death we humans engage in a wide array of micro and macro “nets”--from traditional social ones (family, clan, tribe, race) to volunteer/professional nets (friends, special interest groups, business) to political parties, and of course, the Internet, to name a few. There are other kinds of nets which some of us rely heavily upon as well--everything from financial security--our “net worth” (This one always makes me laugh.) to certain escape mechanisms like drugs/alcohol/violence/war/consumerism/etc. (These make me want to cry.).

And then there’s the “God net." 

There are all kinds of systems of belief out there. Whether they originate in a religion or not, they are just that--systems of belief (doctrines/dogma/creeds/confessions/etc.). But only that! What we “believe” about something, including “God,” doesn’t actually make it so. Besides, people "believe" all sorts of crazy things! (Reread the story of the golden calf in Exodus 32.) 

Religiously speaking then, when we say we believe in God/Yahweh/Allah/etc., we’re really saying two things: 1. We agree with a certain set of thoughts that someone(s) put into words. 2. These words have created concepts--a net upon which we base our words and actions--to live a good life. (BTW: Who gets to define “good” here...and good for whom?)

Still with me? Here’s where we go to the edge. What if there is no God net? What if there is no God? At least, not according to our current working definition of “God” which varies widely depending upon one’s belief system. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? (BTW: Carl Jung believed “God is unfathomable.”)

My point in all this? (Finally!) There’s much we don’t know about the God net. But this we do know: Somehow--from somewhere, someone, or something--we’ve been given each other. While we work out the details of all this, how about I be your net. You be mine. I know I’ll sleep better that way and I hope you will, too. 

After all, isn't this the intended net effect of Jesus' message?




Saturday, October 16, 2021


Why am I here? 

Why have I come? 

What will carry forward

when all’s said and done?

Here solely to gain pleasure? 

Know leisure? Hoard treasure?

Or come to be present, 

fully present indeed.

This is my canon. 

This is my creed.

Come to live caught 

in delayed adolescence? 

Or here to break out, 

to become love’s essence.

It is love that wrought me,

and love, then, that brought me,

my energies freed

to serve those in need;

to bring forth love’s graces 

into all life’s dark places 

where worries creep in,

woes claim to be kin.

Why am I here?

Why have I come? 

What will carry forward

when all’s said and done?

This, clearly, I see; 

it’s not about me.

No, it’s not about me

but of love and love’s we.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


A highlight of our recent trip to Colorado was viewing the aspens at the peak of their fall colors. If conditions are just right, aspens will turn from a soft green to their iconic golden yellow to bright orange and even bolder red. It is just such a year. “Beauty beyond words!” is all I can say. Then, flying home yesterday we viewed New England’s not-to-be-outdone colorama in all its autumnal glory. And again, beauty beyond words.

Beauty, in any of its infinite forms, stops us. We can viscerally feel it (e.g. “breathtakingly beautiful”). It puts us on pause--maybe even long enough to make us stop and think.  

While doing just that while mid-flight the word “yield” came to mind. As you know, there is more than one definition of the word “yield.” To focus for a moment on two of them; there’s the “natural/spiritual” one, i.e. surrender, submit, relinquish, etc., and there’s the corporate/agricultural/industrial one, i.e. NYSE stocks and bonds, earnings, dividends, crop or hog yields, etc. 

Leaves go for the former definition--and then the latter. They yield in the natural sense to the seasonal changes which trigger the chlorophyll’s breakdown which causes the green to disappear so the colors beneath can shine forth. In doing this they produce a yield in the “corporate” sense as well. What is that yield? For one thing, it’s beauty. And beauty is something we can’t live without. 

Obviously, both definitions have their places so which comes first? 

For me, when we, like the autumn leaves, yield to our true nature (“created in image and likeness of God”), we too, produce beauty....






Saturday, October 9, 2021


The earth is breathing,

breathing ever so heavily,

on this windy-wild day.

Everything that can move

is in motion. In flow. In flux.

Only the indefatigable Flat Irons 

in the distance are sitting still.

Rising high. Laying low.

My spirit is in motion, too.

Turning. Churning. Burning.

Doesn’t want to settle down.

Settle in. Settle for. Settle up.

It’s hard to be solid and staid,

like the aspen-gilded Rockies,

when winds within are writhing;

when emotions, like autumn leaves,

are contorting and cavorting;

when everything moveable,

everything malleable, is in motion

--as if my inner spirit is not one but many

and they, all of them, are out of sorts--

even some of them out for blood.

And I’m the one left lying in pain. 

But I love knowing even now that, 

when the winds without

and the winds within subside,

skies will clear. Calm will come.

Peace will preside.

Meanwhile my soul, like an eagle,

soars in splendor over the peaks 

and into the valleys of my being,

knowingly riding, gliding, abiding

on the ways of the wind.

Monday, October 4, 2021


Love, real love, gets taken advantage of all the time. 

Ironically, it’s in its very nature to get used--and even abused. It never wants this, (that would be sick) but it willingly accepts it in order to defuse or at least diminish the abuse’s (and the abuser’s) power. 

Such love is very different from the ego-energized, condition-based kind that “loves” for the sake of gaining or maintaining personal advantage. A love that is all about me, myself and I. A zero-sum love.  

Whoever the ancient was who penned the words, ”Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” (I Peter 4:8) they had a wholly different definition of love from the ego-based one which is our usual modus operandi. They wrote of a love so all-empowering that it can defuse and disarm our ego’s abusive advances--a love so condition-free that we can practice it right where we are no matter what our circumstances--a love so real that it’s clear they knew, first hand, what they were talking about.  

This love, real love, is life-transforming for its recipient. And equally amazing, in the act of practicing it on others we actually experience the same all-forgiving all-freeing love for ourselves.

What’s not to love about that?




Saturday, October 2, 2021


Oh, what a feeling, 

that feeling of intra-expansion, 

the swelling of your chest 

with a huge draught of air,

the deeply satisfying sigh of your lungs,

that accompanies the wellspring of your spirit 

at the moment something clicks together

like the seat belt on your flight,

and suddenly you understand. You get it.

In that moment you know you know 

what has been here right in front of you all along.

Like a child playing hide and seek with you,

it giddily, if impatiently, has waited for you to discover it, 

hoping, knowing that eventually you will come. 

And in that twinkling of your inner eye you realize 

life is not found in reaching some destination, 

though such arrivals are sweet as ice cream,

if not tart as the apple pie of the journey itself;

but in the moment of the moments along the way. 

Life comes to life in those brief but spectacular 

flashes of deep inner knowing when,

in the instant, you find yourself streaking ahead,

not of billions of others running the race,

but of the race itself. 

We don’t need such moments 

of lightning-strike clarity often, 

but without them our spirits cannot survive, 

and worse, we can know nothing 

of what it means to truly thrive. 

Friday, September 24, 2021


What I hope to convey in this final series of thoughts based on Paul’s “fruit of the spirit” (Galatians 5:22) is how the Holy Spirit’s presence anoints, that is, brings its holiness--its capacity to make all things truly new--to every situation. Living our day conscious of this changes everything from how we interpret what happens to us to how we feel about ourselves in light of it to how we respond to the situation.   


This anxiety and angst I’m feeling . . . .

is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s love.

This disappointing setback I’m dealing with. . . .

is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s joy.

This sudden turn of events in my life . . . . 

is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s peace.

This longing to be loved deep inside me . . . . 

is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s patience.

This cruelty I’ve committed against my neighbor . . . .

is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s kindness.

This caring for all of creation . . . . 

is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s faithfulness.

This painful loss and grief I’m experiencing . . . . 

is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s gentleness.

This inner ambivalence that’s plaguing me . . . . 

is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s self-control.

Monday, September 20, 2021


Every autumn 

the temperature drops enough

from dusk to dawn so that, 

in the early morning sun, 

the wall surrounding our picture windows 

softly, randomly creaks and crackles 

as its wood warms to the new day. 

It’s an oddly comforting, even cozy sound 

that makes me feel safe, protected, peaceful.

I remember hearing the same creaking 

when I woke up before the others,

went downstairs in my pajamas,

and sat in my grandfather’s lap

while he sat in his favorite chair 

by the big living room window 

in their little house out in the country. 

I remember hearing the same crackling

in the wall behind the radiator

near where my mother loved

to compose long newsy letters 

with flawless cursive penmanship

while sitting at her writing desk

in the nook beside the stairs 

that led up to the bedrooms 

in our big house in the little town

where I grew up. 

Friday, September 17, 2021


What I hope to convey in this three-part series based on Paul’s “fruit of the spirit” (Galatians 5:22) is that the Holy Spirit anoints absolutely every life experience with its ubiquitous presence and power--opening in us an array of responses that are un-conventional and “un-worldly”--yet readily available. This is the purpose of the Holy Spirit...in real time.  

This unthinkable tragedy is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s love.

This ego-humbling experience is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s joy.

This irascible relationship is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s peace.

This chasm of despair is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s patience.

This anger-invoking encounter is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s kindness.

This thimbleful of initiative is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s generosity.

This intractable illness is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s faithfulness.

This humiliating failure is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s gentleness.

This wellspring of wellbeing is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s self-control.

Monday, September 13, 2021


We humans are storytellers. Little stories. . . “Yeah, they had this great sale at...” Big stories. . . “I’m pregnant!” Sweet stories. . . “We got a new puppy!” Scary stories. . . “Looks like Ida made landfall...” We share stories whenever we talk, text or transmit info to others be they family, friends, coworkers, colleagues or even complete strangers. (Think: social media)

Further, we each have our own “life story”. . . our cumulative and accumulating personal narrative complete with our very own custom experiences of agony, ecstasy and everything in between.

When I call it our “personal narrative” I mean personal! It’s the meta-script we repeat in our heads all day (and night) long--WHAT WE TELL OURSELVES ABOUT OURSELVES--upon which we base our sense of identity, meaning and purpose. Powerful stuff! It includes the good, bad, and yes, ugly self-talk going on incessantly in our heads. Actually, our minds are just doing what we've taught them to do--what they do best--piecing disparate things together into a framework out of which we make sense of life. And in real time! They do it unconsciously. Without being asked, and more importantly; without asking for permission. 

Which is why it’s so important that we stop the narrative. At least, some of the time.

To be more specific, just because we have a personal narrative, it doesn’t mean it’s healthy. (Got any bad habits, blues or baggage?) And like our bodies, our minds need down time, need to rest as deeply and completely as possible. Further, our meta-narratives act like black holes, i.e. our most powerful, overarching narrative either incorporates or consumes all our smaller stories. (Star Trek’s Borg: "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated!") And worse, in sum or part they can take on a life of their own--insofar as we believe them--believe they define our reality! 

If these aren’t reasons enough to regularly review and reset our personal narratives, we also have collective narratives (in our families, groups, organizations, even whole nations), some of which are extremely dangerous and destructive. Just read or listen to the latest news update. 

Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately. . . we get to choose. 

We get to choose how to perceive, interpret and respond to what happens to us every day, every minute, every moment. Doing so, however, requires one thing: consciousness. To be conscious of our personal narrative is to stop and step out of it (or any part) so that at least momentarily, we are not the participant. We are the observer, the witness, and the actor from without. Here, from this always-available vantage point, we can see and alter it. (This, I believe, is the essence of all Jesus's parables.)

There’s just one catch: We have to think in order to do so. So please...




Saturday, September 11, 2021


Today is yesterday’s tomorrow.

Its clay now soft. Warmed. Calling.

Waiting for the strong supple fingers 

of my heart, my mind, my spirit

to work their magic once again.

Beckoning this never-before me,

the one I will become today,

to sculpt even as I am being sculpted,

to create even as I am being created,

to trust even as I am being entrusted

with so soft and wondrous a gift 

as this clay we call life.

Friday, September 10, 2021


What I hope to convey in this three-part series of writings, based on Paul’s “fruits of the spirit” (Galatians 5:22), is how the Holy Spirit’s presence anoints and therefore changes everything, opening us to unconventional and “unworldly” ways of responding to whatever comes our way today.

This fear-filled life is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s love.

This agonizing moment is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s joy.

This conflict of wills is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s peace.

This resolution-defying situation is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s patience.

This cesspool of wrongdoing is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s kindness.

This scarcity mentality is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s generosity.

This boiling cauldron of doubt is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s faithfulness.

This jostling with injustice is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s gentleness.

This addiction to freedom is anointed with the Holy Spirit’s self-control.

Monday, September 6, 2021


To conquer? No.

To console.

To control? No.

To relinquish.

To disparage? No.

To encourage.

To wallow? No.

To hallow.

To ensnare? No.

To ensure.

To silence? No.

To celebrate.

To offend? No.

To offer.

To estrange? No.

To reconcile.

To withdraw? No.

To welcome.

To detach? No.

To engage.

To disempower? No.

To legitimize.

To condemn? No.

To honor.

To negate? No. 

To affirm.

To confuse? No.

To clarify.

To rant? No.

To resolve.

To frighten? No.

To free.

Friday, September 3, 2021


Like most people on the planet, I love a good mystery.

That’s good because life, it seems, is mostly mystery. Not only are complete strangers a mystery, at times the people we live with can be, too! And, as if that weren’t enough, well, have you looked in a mirror lately? Maybe the reason we love a good mystery so much is because it’s where we live. 

Think about it. At some level, everything is (or was) shrouded in the unknown--as if the mysterious side of life is playing a game with us--a game that’s so sophisticated that it calls forth our very best and most creative thinking (e.g. cutting edge scientific or medical research) and yet one so simple (like tying our shoelaces) that once we’ve got it, we’ve got it for good. Let’s remember, though, there was a time before shoelaces!

It reminds me of Hefner, a Russian Blue cat our son asked us to adopt while his life was in transition. “Just two months, Mom and Dad, I promise!” Six months later we still had him. And loved him. Why? For one thing, after a short time we came to understand that whether we realized it or not, we were always part of a game. Always!  

Life, with all its mysteries, is like that. We aren’t just invited to play. By virtue of birth, whether we catch on or remain clueless, we’re in. Always!  

Even the wisest among us only get this “mystery” of life some of the time. The rest of us? Well,  maybe on a good day . . . but that’s part of the game, too. 

Whatever the case, it’s our turn. 





Saturday, August 28, 2021


A French Pantoum-style Poem

Homing toward that something to which we are tethered

The never-ending process of being

A willingness to give up one’s willfulness 

Homage, loyalty, serenity and then, in the quiet space: joy 

The never-ending process of being

What if it’s not what you think?

Homage, loyalty, serenity and then, in the quiet space; joy 

A gift that keeps on giving

What if it’s not what you think?

A willingness to give up one’s willfulness  

A gift that keeps on giving

Homing toward that something to which we are tethered

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


I’ve read (and used) a lot of “self help” books and resources through the years. Yes, there’s a lot of trite stuff in that section of the bookstore. At the same time, I’ve found some of it to be very inspiring and helpful. Using this line of thinking one could even look at the Bible (or the sacred writings of any religion or philosophy) as the greatest self help book ever written!

But there’s a fundamental problem here.

“Self help” implies that from the getgo we need help. In other words, humanity’s starting point is not one of health, but unhealth, not completeness but incompleteness, not wholeness but neediness. I find this to be neither true nor helpful but rather, negative, depressing and encouraging of codependent behavior. Worse, starting out with this flawed premise alters everything down the line.

But what if, like the universe and every piece and process in it, each of us is in a constant state of evolution and expansion? What if, from the cellular level on up, we are meant to increase and advance in every healthy way possible? Science says it’s our nature--on both the biological/personal and communal/global levels. The moment we stop doing so we begin dying--individually and collectively. The speed of these deaths may be imperceptibly slow (or not!), but we’re still on the downhill. Further, I think this applies to our minds as much as to our bodies.

Vis-a-vis the universe, we are each a microcosm of this much greater, grander whole--each an infinitesimally small but nevertheless essential fractal of it--and each of us, like the universe itself, is living in a constant state of becoming.

Seems to me it’s how we’re meant to be. . . and see.




Saturday, August 21, 2021


 In the moment the unfolding begins

my eyes see, even as my heart swells,

the softest, sweetest hue of pink 

one could ever conceive.  

Above it, the most cerulean of blues 

boldly paints the cloudless sky beyond.  

There at horizon’s jet black edge 

rise the silhouetted spires of pine upon pine,

while here at my feet,

steely gray undulations of ocean.

And so, the day’s color guard advances, 

wrapping the world within its ribbons of beauty,

even as it invites all creation to parade its wonder.

Privileged, I bear witness to its birthing, 

so fresh, so soft, still wet the dew.

Whelmed with its grandeur,

I can’t begin to behold, less appreciate,

the staggering meaning and magnitude 

embraced by this one solitarily glorious day, 

only the latest entry in the annals of all time.

Yet here it and I meet. Here we greet.  

It quickens my spirit and satiates my soul.

Oh God of all, here at dawn’s early light

I ask of you but one thing.

Help me take less of your life-infusing love 

for granted today than I did yesterday. . . . 

and still less tomorrow 

than I do today.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


On our 10th wedding anniversary Renee and I received a card. On the cover, splashed across a picture of a bottle of champagne, glasses and multicolor confetti was one word,  “Bravo!” Inside it said, “When you married you meant it!” At dinner that evening we raised a glass of wine, looked into each other's eyes, said triumphantly, “Bravo!” and toasted our relationship. When we married we meant it.

That 10th anniversary night was 37 years ago.

Ever since, everywhere, on every occasion that we’ve enjoyed a glass of bubbly or wine, we’ve looked into each other's eyes and said it again . . . “Bravo!”  

Like virtually all couples marrying for the first time, we “meant it” before we really knew what marriage meant. . . before we knew that it is the single most significant decision any of us ever makes in life. . . before we knew the power and promise of a truly loving personal relationship. . . before we knew the many ways our commitment would unwaveringly challenge us to be about our own growing.

Speaking these bravos--no matter how we felt about each other at the moment (Read: sometimes with great gusto and sometimes, shall we say, a bit less enthusiastically)--has taught us a lasting wisdom about the ins and outs, the ups and downs, the work-arounds and work-throughs of a healthy relationship. 

So on this night, our 47th anniversary--and for the gazillionth time--we'll raise a glass, look into each other's eyes--into eyes that set our hearts to flight--a flight that’s never landed, into eyes that now know us and love us anyway, into eyes that know at least what we can know having come thus far. . . and we’ll say “Bravo!” 

And we’ll mean it all over again.




Friday, August 13, 2021


It is said, “Life is not found 

in reaching one’s destination, 

but in the journey itself.” 

Yet life is not found in our journey, 

but in the experiences 

that make up our journey. 

Yet life is not found 

in the experiences 

that make up our journey, 

but in meaning we give 

to the experiences 

that make up our journey.

Yet life is not found 

in the meaning we give 

to the experiences

that make up our journey,

but in the values that determine 

the meaning we give 

to the experiences

that make up our journey.


Yet life is not found

in the values that determine 

the meaning we give 

to the experiences 

that make up our journey,

but in that of our journey already taken

and in our dreams of that which is still to be,

which inform the values that determine 

the meaning we give 

to the experiences 

that make up our journey.

In other words,

to enter into the journey

is to have already arrived 

at one’s destination.

So let us enter in, 

and let us do so 


Monday, August 9, 2021


What’s the most important thing you or I will do today?

We each have our own ideas about what’s more and what’s less important to us. It’s called “prioritizing.” Since birth, we’ve taught our brains to do this for us all day long. 


We determine what’s more, less--or most--important vis-a-vis our urges, wants, values, and beliefs. (Pretty much in that order!) So basically, we’re telling our brains, “Within such and such parameters, keep collating and prioritizing all this real-time input you’re taking in and keep me posted.” (Think intra-personal secretary.) 

But when do we revisit our personal parameters? And how do we really know what should be more, less or most important? (Think mountains vs. molehills.) 

Since we can’t see into our future, we can’t possibly know how things will ultimately play out, can we? (As a high school junior, on a lark, I decided to take “Typing 101” with a friend--and have done it more days than not ever since.) My point: The task, decision, relationship or activity that is barely a blip on the screen right in front of us may, in fact, be huge. (Think life changing.)

I see an invitation in all this: the opportunity to respect and even revere this very moment as extraordinarily powerful in sculpting our own lives and/or the lives of others. It begs us to do whatever we do--however, wherever, whenever and whyever--we are doing it--with awareness . . . mindfulness . . . consciousness. (Think think.)




Friday, August 6, 2021


I’ve come back. For more.

Nowhere would I rather be 

than in the arms of your presence. 

No one would I rather be with than you.

I lap up your love like its honey.

I feel you inside me. 

Inside my head. My heart. My being. 

I want to tell you everything, 

want you to know everything about me, 

want to know everything about you.

Can’t say no to you. Don’t want to. 

Disarming me, you move me to remorse, 

invite me into the healing realm of repentance.

Here all my defenses feel so false.

I no longer need them. I’m safe,

for you are the antithesis of my enemy. 

Within, I feel so small, so insignificant 

beneath your unwavering gaze,

yet you make me feel precious to you,

like you can’t live without me,

or like you could, but you won’t.

You liberate my self-incarcerated spirit,

Deep calm is mine, and deeper freedom.

As if for the first time, I see who I really am

and I love the me that you see.

You make me wonder: 

Are all our earthly lovers, 

even the best of them, 

and them at their best,

mere microcosms 

of your sweet love?

Monday, August 2, 2021


“Stop long enough to let your soul catch up to your body.” 

You’ve probably heard this before. It’s good. It encourages us to slow all the way down to now--which is very good--since now is the one and only place any of us exists. But this saying is a little like a variation of putting the cart before the horse. Our souls don’t need to catch up to our bodies--as if our bodies should be determining our “soul speed”--though our culture urges and affirms pushing our bodies to their limits and beyond. (Just ask Simone Biles) No. Our bodies need to slow down to our soul’s speed (Again, just ask Simone Biles). 

Makes me wonder. Is she really experiencing a bout of mental illness? Or, is she the one sane one in the whole system?





Friday, July 30, 2021


First, the obvious. We are the only ones inside our own skin, inside our own heads, our own hearts, our own day to day experience of life--even though others would often like to get there! I mean, here. 

Second, half the time we don’t even get ourselves, our own thoughts, our own words, our own actions! We think, say and do stupid things to others and engage in full armored self-sabotage.

Third, then there’s our ego. Franciscan mystic Richard Rohr (RR) says our ego demands two things: “to be separate and to be superior.” My personal experience? Our ego doesn’t just want you or me to be separate and superior. IT wants to be separate and superior--even over you and me--over our “true” (RR) selves. And, since it’s part of our psyche, it filters and flavors everything we think, say and do according to its liking. Further, while our ego is living (and thriving) in our shadows, it will resist, distract, divert, deny anything and everything it doesn’t want touched or tampered with, challenged or revealed. So, it taints our take on everything. Especially ourselves! The net result: Our most vital asset, our self-understanding--which directly and indirectly shapes every aspect of our existence--is continuously skewed, leaving us foggy, fragile, and fickle.

And that’s on a good day.

But the “you” that you and I want to get to know is the one God knows. Why? Because it’s the one and only one that we--like God and through God--can come to know, love and trust.  

How can and does God accomplish this? Via our “soul.” That’s the word we’ve come up with to name God’s residing presence within us--the way station between God and each of us--by which we connect directly and intimately with God. In short, it’s the means God chooses and uses to know us like no one else can--including ourselves. 

Fortunately, unlike the ego, our soul is neither elusive or exclusive. No, it’s open and affirming. It thrives on transparency, not secrecy;  on truth, not deception. Through it, God is always present and available to us—even when we are not present or available to God. Through it God communicates uniquely--and constantly--with each of us. One on one. Through it God shares a love so disarmed and disarming that it can actually be frightening; a love that is so foreign to our experience that though it feels fantastic we’re afraid it’s fake. But it’s real. More real than any other love. 

We come to know this love through trusting the God that really does know us like no one else can. Like Jesus said, “the kingdom of God is at hand.” It's here. It’s now. It’s for you. It’s for me. And fortunately, even the smallest seed of trust we place in it can and will grow. 

And thrive.




Monday, July 26, 2021


From where I sit

here at our campsite,

I see thousands upon thousands 

of magnificently green healthy trees. 

Just one view of three mountains 

in a range of dozens,

if not hundreds of them,

here in the High Peaks region 

of western Maine. 

Nature’s abundance. 

Nature’s “Yes!”

But also, I see 

the nature of abundance. 

If we look, if we look deeply,

we see its “Yes!” everywhere. 

Lightning bugs. Tadpoles. 

Chickadees. Mosquitoes!

Seems all of nature operates

in an ecosystem of abundance

—with one exception—

we humans. 

In fact,

the only place in the world 

where we see

a true scarcity mentality 

is in our own minds. 

But clearly, thankfully,

it is not our deepest nature.


Look at how we relate to each other.

Based on personal experience, we know there are certain emotional experiences all of our one-on-one relationships share. These range from love to hate, loyalty to rejection, forgiveness to revenge, intimacy to estrangement, etc. 

But wait. There’s more.

Pick any one of your closest relationships.  Notice how, the more “personal” it is, the easier it is to identify with these emotional experiences. In other words, relationally-speaking no matter who we are, where we grew up or what we’re doing with our lives, we have a lot in common with each other. 

After all, isn’t this why we all love a good love story?

But, if we peer into the particulars of any one of our relationships more deeply we see something else: Besides being “universal,” absolutely every relationship we have is unique and different from all the rest. In fact, the more intimate the relationship is, the more unique it becomes. At this writing, the world’s population is somewhere north of 7,794,798,739 yet put any two of us together, and the resulting relationship will be different every single time.

Why would it be any different when it comes to God?

For each of us, our one-on-one relationship to God is wonderfully unique and personal—even intimate—and is meant to be so! This doesn’t mean we all know different “Gods.” It means we all know God differently. 

In other words, we each have a relationship with the God that only we can know.




Tuesday, July 20, 2021


We’re always in the middle...of this day, of that situation, of this relationship, of that conversation, of this process, of that . . .     

Even once we’ve made a decision about something, while it may be the end of that round, that set, that inning, it’s still just the middle of the next larger game, right? 

When I’ve made a mistake, when something goes wrong, when an important personal or business relationship gets all snarled up, when I get bad news, or when things beyond my control go counter to my wishes and I get discouraged, I find it very helpful to remember that we’re always in the middle of the game. It gives me new strength. It helps me see new possibilities. It helps me operate out of a new and expanding range of responses. Overall and best of all, it opens me to my natural creativity, resilience and resourcefulness. How about you?

Since none of us knows when we’re going to “end,” it’s literally true: We’re ALWAYS somewhere in the middle of the game. 

Good to know. . . and remember. 




Friday, July 16, 2021


Only those among us 

who’ve lost one love of their life, 

only to find another,

can even begin to appreciate

the cosmic sweep of their emotional odyssey, 

but here these two stand before us as a new one. 

Here they stand together, stand strong. Again.

Each has spent their three long days,

and even longer nights, in the hell called loss.

Each has traversed--somehow--the murky depths 

where grief has unleashed its full fury upon them,

sinking its venomous talons deep into their souls,

but here these two stand before us as a new one. 

Here they stand together, stand strong. Again.

Here, a wedding of hearts, of healings, of hopes. 

They’ve not just found love, but been found by love,

its sweet caress returning to anoint with joy. 

Here they stand together, stand strong. Again.

And here we stand beside them, stand strong, 

stand as one with them--in witness, in delight, in thanksgiving.

As of today, there is a new holy of holies in the universe.

As for tomorrow, the one that can feel a forever away,

it has actually come. It came today. Came to stay.

Love made it happen. Again.


Monday, July 12, 2021


It’s how we say something (or someone!) is overdue. Late. Tardy. And yes, it is about “time.” An allotted amount of it has passed. “Time’s up!” we say, which means, of course, that the clock’s run out. But ran out where? For what? Milk? Bread? Take out? When time runs out “Where does the time go?” 

Cliches are words, phrases or even whole concepts that, like “It’s about time!” are reduced to codes that convey entire paradigms--including their accompanying innuendo and emotion (and baggage?) They’re shorthand we use to save time. (Ha! Another one: “save time.”) We say that one “all the time.” (Another!) But we seldom go back and question their underlying premises or ramifications.

For instance, have you or anyone you’ve ever met been able to actually “save” time? No. “Time marches on.” Besides, look around. The “times are changing.” Really? And who's to say, “It’s time for a change.” A bit of a “time bomb” if you ask me. Wait! What, exactly, is a time “bomb?” And where do I “find time” to locate one. And where, by the way, does “Father Time” actually live? Is he, by chance, “Doing time?” Or, maybe he’s “marking time,” “passing time,” or just “biding his time.” Or, they say that “time flies,” so maybe he took a trip. Went somewhere and needs more “travel time” to get back home. If so, does anyone know his “ETA?” Well, hopefully he doesn’t “run out of time.” After all, “time waits for no one.” 

And what about, “Time is money?” Now that’s a “time honored” philosophy. Smart, yes. But is it wise? And have you looked in a mirror lately? Yes, we all have to deal with “the ravages of time” so we might as well work more “overtime” lest we fall “behind the times.” Alright already! STOP! “I don’t have time for this!” Besides, “Now’s not a good time.” And look, “I've lost all track of time.” (What is a time track, anyway? Is that what you do “time travel” on?) Anyway, we need to move on. “Time’s a wastin!” and we wouldn’t want “time to get away from us.” 

But seriously, having so many cliches (so much code) around this one little 4-letter word reveals that--in all its meanings, nuances and applications--the concept of time holds a place of incredibly high value in our lives. But let’s take a “time out” from TIME here. Why? To go read the magazine? No. Because “in the meantime” it’s also valuable for us to “take time” to separate ourselves from this single word’s vast narrative so we don’t get caught in its myopic web--lest we become literally and truly “time bound.” Hmm.

In the midst of this lifelong immersion experience--while we’re out there looking for a “good time” and maybe even “the time of our lives”--we do well to remember there is also the non-physical, spiritual, soul-full dimension of our existence--of our day--of this very moment. One thing even our many and varied religions, theologies and philosophies almost agree upon: We human beings are both “timely (temporal) AND timeless (eternal).”

“Does anyone really know what time it is anyway?”




Friday, July 9, 2021



Hot ‘n steamy from the oven. 

Scratch biscuits.

Can’t you smell them right now?

Filling the whole damn kitchen 

With essence of buttermilk and baking powder.

Smothered in butter and honey,

There’s nothing in the world like ‘em.

To make them, some say’s easy.

Make ‘em right? Not so much. 

You sure can’t order them online,

Or grab from the refrigerated section, 

Or pour the powder out of a box,

Can’t even buy ‘em at a bakery.

No, ‘cause the secret’s in the scratch.

And the scratch is in you.

It’s the you that’s doing it. It’s you all in.

Hands in the batter, mind in the matter.

Yes, you need a recipe--best if passed down--

And, of course, the ingredients. On hand.

Leave something out? Well, now you're in trouble. 

Substitutions or add ins are tricky, too. 

Just smidgen of religion to spring you off the blocks,  

And a picture of the ribbon at the finish line, 

Maybe even a memory or two of Grandma along the way, 

Then pop ‘em in the oven, bake till goldilocks gold.

Oh, there’s one thing for sure though: Scratch takes time.

Nothing worse than half-baked anything, right?

You gotta “W a i t . . . f o r . . . i t!”

Meanwhile, make the coffee.

Do some sudoku, play with the dog, write a poem.

In the end, biscuit in hand, the “all in” is worth it. 

Delightful in the alpha, delicious in the omega. 

The whole thing sounds a lot like life, doesn’t it?

Only one way to do it.

From scratch.

Monday, July 5, 2021


Never mind your bucket list for a moment. What’s on your bliss list? 

What do you really enjoy doing when you have a little extra time? Or maybe better, what would you do if you had some “free” time? Maybe you’ve already answered these questions. Maybe you’re doing them. If so, fantastic! If not, please read on. 

Even with our blisses, we do well to establish a practice. In fact, I think establishing a practice is the key to any significant success with them. Nothing wrong with doing something on our bliss list only occasionally and just for fun. But if we want to experience the joy that comes with getting really good at it, it requires something more, right? 

 So how do we create such a practice? For me, I “17 it!” That is, I agree with myself to do it for just 17 minutes a day. Often, by then I’ll get into it and spend significantly more time. But all of us can find a small block of time to call our own if we really want to. (Why 17? It works for me. Not too short but not too long. Goldilocks thinking). After all, we spend our entire lives doing daily what comes as the result of the decisions made or in the making--be they big or little, ancient or recent.

Once you’ve committed, don’t think. Just do it. Later, we can reflect on what we’ve accomplished and how good it feels. But do it today. Then again tomorrow. At first it may be helpful to make our commitment to the practice itself. As neuroscientists and behavioral therapists will attest, our brains love to work this way. Good news: If we keep the practice going we keep the feeling going, too. It's self-inspiring. Intrinsically motivating. Even therapeutic. 

 Why identify our bliss list and then “17 it!” Many reasons: 1. We can get really good at something we love. 2. Like God, we create things that come from our core. 3. We feel good about that piece of our lives and it literally lifts our spirits. 4. Doing so contributes to our health (mental/physical/emotional/spiritual). 5. A little bit of it spills over into everything we think, say and do. 6. We bring our healthiest and most authentic presence to the world each day. That’s powerful. 

And empowering. 




Friday, July 2, 2021


Do you listen for them 

like a mother listens for her baby’s cry 

in the middle of the night?

Or, can your soul’s soundings

be calling you so softly, 

like the sky calls to the eagle 

to soar high in its reaches,

or the mountain beckons the snow, 

“Come rest on my frosty slopes,”

calling so softly that you miss them?

Can you separate your soul’s soundings 

from the cacophony of your day? 

Can you feel their gentle tap 

on the shoulder of your mind?

Can you read their intimations 

between the lines of your life?

These soundings, they come to en-lighten us,

to teach us to know what we don’t know

and know what we think we know, but don’t,

to reveal to us the good in the bad, 

the pearl hidden quietly in the oyster’s carapace.

They come in the solitude that embraces all that is,

like the space that surrounds all things celestial.

So fluid their flow, like a murmuration of starlings,

twisting, swirling as if by invisible command!

These soundings lure us toward life in the Spirit, 

cautioning us not to let ourselves be obsessed 

by the satisfaction of our senses.

Their goal is not to leave us lacking but in the know, 

aware that even in midst of our imperfections

we are perfect, complete, full, whole;

showing us that there’s another way to revel in reality, 

more deeply, more fully, more fairly.

No, we don’t have to listen for them--or to them--

but if we do, we grow like finely yeasted dough, 

miraculously expanding outward--but only from within.

Nothing magical or manipulative about them, 

they come invisible to the senses

yet as visibly life-giving as the very air 

you and I breathe in this moment.

Monday, June 28, 2021




The Spirit let him know

not just ways of God,

not just the wiles of God,

not just the will of God.

But God. Up close and personal.

He knew God so intimately 

that he called God Abba.


You and me.

The Spirit lets us know

not just ways of God,

not just the wiles of God,

not just the will of God.

But God. One on one.

So we can know God so intimately 

that we, too, can call God Abba.


“When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’

it is that very Spirit bearing witness 

with our spirit that we are children of God. . . “

(Romans 8: 15b-16)


Friday, June 25, 2021



Son of Abba


Got God

Taught God

To any and all

Wanting to know

Willing to listen

Wishing to be

More than 

Sons and daughters

Of God

Willing, wanting, wishing

To be sons and daughters

Of Abba

“And because you are children, 

God has sent the Spirit of his Son 

into our hearts, crying, 

‘Abba! Father!’” 

(Galatians 4:6)

Monday, June 21, 2021


If you need a way to slow your mind down in the middle of the night (or whenever), try this.

While lying on your back/sitting upright, let your hands, fingers tip to tip, rest on your chest. Next, imagine a marble starting at your left fingertips and lazily rolling down your arm to elbow, then up your upper arm and across your shoulder, up your neck. Then, after making a loop inside your head it rolls back down your neck to your right shoulder and arm. Finally, turning at your right elbow, it travels up your forearm to your right hand and fingertips. . . .ready to go again.

To make this exercise require a little more concentration, imagine the marble is on a track in the middle of a mobius ribbon beginning at your left fingertips and running down along the top of your left arm to your elbow where (remaining in its track) it now travels up the underside of your upper arm, across your left shoulder, then crosses over, rolls up the right side of your neck, and continues up into your head where (still in its track) it now briefly comes out topside on the ribbon as it crosses over to the left side of your head, then back underneath as it travels down the left side, across your right shoulder and down your right upper arm to the elbow. Once there, (still in the same continuous track) it now comes out on top again as it makes its final turn and ascends up your right forearm, through your hand. Once there it completes its loop at your right fingertips and is ready to make the next one.

I know. Sounds complicated! But do it very, very slowly at first. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy. It requires some visualization--but that’s the point of the exercise. Visualizing this process forces our mind to stop visualizing anything else--including all the worries, woes and wonderfuls in our lives . Try variations. Making the marble roll successively slower works especially well. Just mind the marble.

Want to take it to a third level? Become the marble.




Friday, June 18, 2021


These hands,

I look down at them 

as I type these words.

Discoloring. Veined. Bony. 

Speckled with “age” spots.

Once they looked young and supple, 

oh, so smooth and strong.

Then one day I looked down

and there at the end of my arms 

were my father’s hands.

These days they’re looking more 

like those of my gnarly grandfather.

Of course, all of them are gone now, 

gone down the ultimate one way,

flowing in the river called nature

which stops for no thing. No one.

The first privilege 

is just to be a part of it,

to be welcomed into these waters.

The second is a deep knowing

that this is the ultimate course of nature;

We are each part of the flow of all things.

The third is to personify this privilege, 

to welcome the joy of it into this day, 

even this very moment. 

Alright then! I clap these beautiful hands 

in wonder, praise and thanksgiving!

“So we do not lose heart. 

Even though our outer nature is wasting away, 

our inner nature is being renewed day by day.” 

(2 Corinthians 4:16)

Monday, June 14, 2021


Once there was a man in a rut, a rut so deep that when he looked up all he saw was the sky. He looked ahead. Rut. He looked behind. More rut. He frowned. He called for help. No one. After a while he looked down and he thought to himself, “Hmm.” Then he took his shovel and pulled a little of the dirt around him together, placing it under his feet. And he was higher. He did it again. And he was higher still. Again. And again. Finally, he filled the rut with enough of the soil within reach to simply step out of it and walk away. And he said to himself, “What rut?”

What’s the moral(s) of this story? What might it mean for you and me today?




Saturday, June 12, 2021


For musicians it’s the rest amidst the notes,

for farmers it’s what parts the sheep and goats.

For the clock it’s the gap ‘tween tick and tock,

for the conflicted, ‘twixt a hard place and a rock.

For artists it’s the negative in plain view,

for beer sommeliers it's in the bubbles of the brew. 


for judges, the hair splitting aiders from abettors.

I’m talking about the space between all things,

without it life’s a cello sans the strings.

Instead of things being spread all asunder,

space keeps the above from the down under.

We don’t need it in the thick of bread and butter,

but let’s ask, “Really, what does our clutter utter?”

We may think that space is nothing, but it’s not,

so let’s cherish the precious little that we’ve got.

No matter how we spend our day,

there’s a good reason for feng shui.

Let’s not fill in every blank

afore we give up the ghost and tank,

that way mother can have her druther

and we can still be someone other.

Life can be sweet for all,

regardless of one’s call.

Yes, let’s give a little grace 

to the whole of the human race, 

for even protons, neutrons, electrons 

need their space.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


While out for a walk, I happened upon a hillside located on the outer rim of the lovely little Pennsylvania town of Oley. It was the end of a long day of driving and I was out to get some fresh air. As I strolled up the hill I found myself entering another world…an antique motorcycle fair, or what would be one the following day.  

Though new to me, everything there was antique—including most of the riders. Outfitted in their requisite buckles, bandanas and boots, many with long hair, most with beards, virtually all of it grey, they talked the talk. Shot the breeze.

Their bikes? Everything from beauty to beast. From vintage Harley’s to vapid Honda 50’s—in every condition from polished and pristine to rust buckets on wheels. Some were truly works of art so pleasurable to look at that I found myself staring at them. They were obviously the labor of someone’s love. Others were comically lacking…a clutch here, a transmission there. Some were laid out on the grass. So many dissected hogs.

Though opening day was yet to be, the blatantly entrepreneurial types were already hawking their wares. Bike parts were everywhere—looking like leftovers from surgical procedure gone awry. Some neatly displayed upon flea market tables with their price tags discretely turned under, some strewn across the grass in a “make-me-an-offer” style in front of boldly striped lawn chairs permanently sagged from the weight of their occupants.

Hemming the bottom of the hill like the frill on a square dancer's skirt,was a fanciful array of tents, campers, topper-ed trucks and trailers. It was supper time and judging by the pleasant smell, portable grills ruled. Burgers and brats, sizzling dogs, barbecued chicken, and the rarified sirloin sputtered to perfection as their sultry fragrances crested the hill then wafted skyward.  Incense to the gods.  

The chatter around the grills was excited and loud, the camaraderie was contagious. Boisterous reunions popped up like dandelions in the field around me as the newcomers revved their bikes or honked their rigs, raucously announcing their arrival while they motored parade-speed past the others, flexing their mechanical muscles and sizing up the competition before marking their territory and settling in for the duration.

It was obvious some were long lost but loyal friends who had ridden together in younger days. Now they straddled the country only to be reunited by the occasional antique bikers fair. As with all true friends, the passage of time since their last goodbye didn’t matter. Now they were together again and the excitement was palpable. Bikes, beer and brouhahas. Let the party begin!

“How long have antique biker fairs been going on?” I wondered naively as I walked. “How long have folks been coming to these events, swarming on hilltop meadows like bees full of buzz?” Since before they were antiques? Probably. For some, maybe longer.

As I wandered down the grassy lanes that checkerboarded the fairgrounds and slipped past the last circle of hogs and wannabes parked near the entrance, I realized that I had uttered nothing more than an occasional “Hi!” or “Nice bike,” the entire time I had been in this brave old world. Obviously, this was not my mug of brew.  But strolling further, as I lost the last of the now distant clatter, I found myself feeling strangely warmed by the whole experience. I couldn’t help but think, “Is this a great country or what!” As I walked back to my car and pressed my electronic key to unlock the door I pondered, “Will there ever be an antique SUV fair?”