Ash Wednesday, February 18th, begins the 40-day liturgical “season” of the Christian church year known as Lent. The Ash part of its title is morbid, I know, but serves a helpful two-fold purpose. One, it reminds us, as ancient liturgies chant, “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” We all die—a point so powerful that it can inform and transform how we live…if we will let it do so. Two, the metaphor of Ash Wednesday reminds us that just as Christ taught and personally experienced, we can move through death to life—in some eternal sense that begins even today—right here, right now.
This liturgical season, like each of the other five (Easter, Pentecost, Advent, Christmas and Epiphany), focuses on a particular part of Christ's life. Lent, which culminates in the celebration of Easter, directs our attention to the final earthly stage of it as described in the Bible. It begins with the first of three announcements to his closest disciples that he is “turning his face to Jerusalem” where he will suffer, be crucified and die a very human, if not humane, death (Matthew 16:21). It ends with his resurrection to new life (Matthew 28:6)—and a new way of being in the world—a new beginning…something we all long for at times.
During this season of Lent, I invite you to take a few moments each day to focus on what it means to experience Christ (or God, or the Sacred, the Holy, a Higher Power, etc.) in your life. Each post will offer some personal reflections and/or words of those who inspire me in my spiritual journey. Your comments will enrich the conversation.
I'll meet you there…under the fig tree.
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