I call to you like your friend Karen calls to her dog. She lowers her voice, calling softly to him. And Cosmos hears her. Does he always come when called? No. But does he hear her? Yes. Does he recognize her quiet call? Yes. Does he know what she wants? Yes.
I am like Karen. I lower my voice.
You hear so many voices, most of them strident, assertive, aggressive, loud, bossy, in your face, it’s-all-about-me voices, needy voices, harsh voices, nosy voices, not-so-pleasant voices, sweet voices, syrupy voices. They are not all necessarily bad voices. Some of them are very good, very legitimate, and very important. You need to listen for them because they genuinely need you or have some legitimate claim upon you. And, like it or not, you are in relationship with every one of them. Near or far, friend or foe, they share the same world and this same moment in time with you.
But I am different. I lower my voice.
Because I do, I understand that it is sometimes difficult for you to notice when I’m calling, speaking, seeking to enter into conversation with you and wanting to teach you something. I get that! And I don’t do this to manipulate you, forcing you listen harder. If I did this, then mine would be just like all the rest of the voices out there.
No, I do it to separate mine from all the rest…so you will be able to distinguish it and hear it even in the midst of these other voices. Yes, you’ll have to work a little harder, be a bit more observant and discerning, and listen with love instead of ego.
But you'll know it is me. And I promise, I will always be here. You will always find me available when you want to talk. And if you will listen for me, I will teach what to listen for in all the other voices you are hearing. You will lengthen your days and soften your nights. You will experience the awareness of that flow which is Life itself. Me.
Listen for me. I’m here. I’m here for you and I’m here with you…so I can be here through…and through you.
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