many things have the power to undo me;
Maybe it’s something bad that happens
Maybe its an offensive remark sent in my direction (or so my ego thinks!)
Maybe it’s my own emotions getting the better of me
And that's on a good day
Sometimes life is seeking my demise—
or so it seems
But I want you to be the one who undoes me, God.
You are the one whom I can trust unreservedly
With you I feel wholly safe
You undo me lovingly
with my well-being
in your mind
and in your heart
In fact,
what feels like you undoing me is really the opposite…
it is you doing me
It is you building me up not tearing me down
It is you putting me together not taking me apart
It is you bringing me to life...
and love
You give me your stalwart strength
You give me your ever-expanding perspective
You even give me your serenity
It is you re-creating your very self in me…through me…out of me.
Be my undoing, God.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 NRSV
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