Welcome to a place of spiritual refreshment and contemplative conversation

Monday, January 4, 2021


I have a question for you. If you could do one thing today that would have a profound and positive effect on virtually everything else in your life right now and on the year ahead, what would it be? (I’d love to hear your answers on this one!)

For me, that one thing would be meditation. 

In its broadest sense, meditation--as I'm referring to it--is simply the regular setting aside of a few minutes to be alone, still and attentive. It goes by different names and comes in a variety of versions--both religious and secular. 

You may already be doing it. 

If you pray, then you are already part way there. Contemplative prayer--which is another name for it--is simply the third phase of what many of us have been taught about prayer. It comes after the “asking” and  “thanking” phases where we just listen--really listen. (On that subject, if you already happen to believe you’re a good listener, then meditation is a great place to test that theory. (Be prepared to be surprised...just saying.) On the other hand, if you want to improve your listening skills I don’t think there’s a better place to do so than here.

One of the best metaphors for meditation--at least the kind that comes most naturally to me--is the idea of taking dictation. When we take dictation, we focus on taking in/writing down (for me, on my laptop) everything we hear--word for word, phrase for phrase, image for image--and that’s all! In a sense, we don’t even think. We bypass the part of our brain we usually use--so we don’t come with any agenda or preconceived notions or desired outcomes. We don’t come expecting any takeaways, quick fixes or deep revelations--only to listen as purely as possible even if what we’re hearing/feeling/sensing seems like gibberish! And it will...sometimes. 

What we’re “hearing,” if anything, may seem awkward or disjointed. Doesn’t matter! Resist all urges to unpack--or worse--correct it. No editing. No interpreting. No critiquing. No finessing. No judging. (I save all that for later.) At times it’ll come so fast you’ll feel like you’re in the middle of a blizzard of euphoria. At other times nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You may even be disappointed...

...until later. Sometimes much later.

What I’m sharing with you today is simply my own practice and experience. Your’s will likely be different. Next Monday I’ll write about who’s “talking” to us, that is, whose voice or voices are we hearing (“God’s,” others, the Universe’s, our own?) and to what extent can we trust them. 

In the meantime, give it a try. If you’re new to this, try 10-15 minutes a day, more if possible. (And yes, you do have time.) Questions? Please ask. I’m not an expert but I know what works for me. I may answer your question directly or incorporate it into a future post. However it happens, I hope to offer some guidance, encouragement and inspiration to the remarkable but oft misunderstood experience of meditation. 

As always, I look forward to our time together, especially these days.




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