Stay here. Right here. Right now.
In the here and now of this moment.
This is where our lives are lived out.
We can only be in one place at one time;
living and breathing in this lithe land of what is.
Back there is where what is was.
Up ahead is where whatever will be will be.
Back or forward, neither is here or now.
But here, here is where our choices are still gaseous,
and their consequences--good or bad--still liquid.
And now, now is when all things become solid.
So, here is where we can create
our now of the future,
and now is when we can conceive
our here of the future.
Since this moment is the only time,
the only place, you and I can ever “be”
it’s fortunate that we always have it with us.
If (or should I say when) we forget this,
we lose our place in the universe
and the home of right here right now
feels very very far away.
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