You’ve noticed by now, I have this thing about thinking. Quantity is not the issue. More than enough of that. But quality? I think the saying, “The largest room in the world is room for improvement,” applies here. Today I share a strategy I use to improve the quality of mine. I call it my “Whatever!” time.
In short, I give myself 30 minutes to think about whatever I want. Profound, right? Seriously, I do this. And more, sometimes I have to intentionally give myself permission! I say something like, “Okay, Jer, you’re off leash now!”
How to do it? I go for a walk. The mindless motion clears my head. I carry my phone so I can record ideas as well as make note of things that require my future attention. Sometimes I’ll carry an inspiring quote or two on a 3 x 5.
I experience serenity, perspective and a growing sense of calm through this exercise--which ultimately has both immediate and cumulative effects. In just minutes my shoulders relax, my internal ruminations subside and my focus resets to the present. I think of it as adding to the principal of my “well being” account--the interest of which, I know, will be drawn upon throughout the rest of the day. Rather counterintuitively, it transports my thinking away from “All things Jerry” to focusing on our incredibly wondrous-yet-pain-filled world.
I love the Kaisen saying, “Small improvements every day in every way, never ceasing, never ending.” (Sometimes I’ll just repeat it while walking.) I believe deeply that all animate life forms--and sentient beings in particular--are created to grow and expand along with the rest of the universe. This grand evolutionary task isn’t over yet and we’re not just smack dab in the middle of it. We’re an integral part of it.
One more thing before I go. Why do I share this “Whatever!” idea with you right now? Certainly, it’s in part, because of both the upheaval and the opportunity of this Covid moment. But there's more. As I observe the world today, I’m seeing a “social distancing” of a very different and dangerous sort occurring. We’re living in what I would call the Age of the Ego. I’ll leave you to be the judge of your own but last time I checked, my ego registered surprisingly low on the “Qualitative Thinking” meter. Just saying.
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