Good morning to you! I hope you had a restful night. If not, read on...
Throughout much of my life I’ve laid awake for part of the night--every night. Sometimes it only lasts a few minutes. But too often, it’s a few hours. Like clockwork, I’ll wake up stressed about something. Then something else. Then something else. Eventually, it will occur to me that I’ve jumped onto my “all-things-distressing” train. Do you have one of those?
At first, when I become aware that I’ve boarded a “bad” thought, I’ll just switch to a different one. But then, horrified, I realize that I’ve simply moved to another car featuring a similarly scary scenario that, mathematically speaking, is equal to or greater than the last one. Further, I’ve learned from multiple previous wrecks, this train has neither destination nor caboose. Worse! It’s one that has engines on both ends. Oh, and did I mention: I’m the conductor!
For these mid-night marathons I’ve created a simple practice that helps me get back to my sweet dreams sooner rather than later. While “belly breathing”--taking comfortably long, slow breaths down into my lower diaphragm and back out--I mentally repeat the first half of the following phrases on the inhale and the second half on the exhale. (This may all seem a bit counterintuitive--a lot of work when you’re trying to accomplish just the opposite! But, consciously altering the mind’s focus while pairing it with deep breathing technique works surprisingly well.) Here’s the mantra...
With this breath...I relax my body
With this breath...I empty my mind
With this breath...I open my spirit
Is it magic? No. But its effect is certainly magical. After repeating this just a few times I begin to yawn those deep restful yawns that feel so good. I continue. Then before I know it, I’m awakened by the morning sun gloriously streaming in the bedroom window...which means I’ve not only fallen back asleep; I’ve slept soundly. Does it work every time? No. But surprisingly, it rarely fails. And the more I do it, the more frequently and quickly sleep returns.
I use this same technique (sometimes varying the words) throughout my day as a mental palate cleanser and segue between tasks. Closing my eyes, I consciously relax my face--where I find much of my stress settles, (Hence the saying, “After 40, your face is your fault!”)--and repeat it. It revitalizes me and keeps me in the present. Great for instantly relaxing our bodies, bringing clarity back to our brains.
Try it. Let me know if it works for you. As with all my posts, your thoughts are welcomed and appreciated.
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