Grandboy bags. Our grandsons each have one...the Silas Bag, the Isaac Bag, and the Jonah Bag. Each time we visit we bring a small gift in them...a puzzle, a tyrannosaurus rex, a book, a hot car (Matchbox-size), a brain game. They’ve come to expect these bags so, within nanoseconds of sharing hugs, they begin hinting...hunting. We, MiMi and Baboo (long story, no time) of course, make a game of it with, “What bags?” or “Maybe we drove off with the trunk open. They fell out!” Or worse, “Oh no, I left them on the porch next to the stuff the thrift store was picking up!”
But they know.
Today, (#3 in my 4-Monday series) I’m focusing our thoughts on the middle three of what I like to call our “spiritual senses”, joy, peace, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, faithfulness, generosity and self-control. (See Galatians 5:22-23.) These nine function in ways similar to our five physical senses but in a beautifully complementary manner. How? Think of it this way: Our five physical senses gather in the information from our immediate and continuous interface with the world. Our nine spiritual senses help us determine what to do with it.
Speaking of grand bags, each of us has one. Got it at birth. If we dig down in our bag we’ll find all nine of these spiritual senses--ready and waiting--for us to draw them out and “play” with them, that is, to focus our rapt attention on them and then use them to bring joy to life--for ourselves and those around us (think globally, please). How do we do this?
TAKE PATIENCE: Ask yourself, “Where would I be if it weren’t for the patience that has been shown to me?“ Now stop. Sincerely answer that question. Think of instances, little or big, when you were the recipient of someone’s else’s--often undeserved--patience. Go ahead. We’ve got time. Just doing this will inspire you to go and do likewise.
TAKE KINDNESS: Who comes to mind when you ask yourself, “Who’s the kindest person I know...and why?” Commit to emulating that person today. ALL day. Watch what happens. I think you’ll surprise yourself (and maybe a few others!)
TAKE GOODNESS: This one gets personal. Ask yourself, “What qualities do I have that I feel really good about?” Here speak the truth in love--about yourself--to yourself--for yourself. This is not for Facebook. It may take a few tears but you’ll know you’ve answered this one well when you’re feeling a warming glow and softening compassion in your heart--toward yourself! The Skin Horse in the Velveteen Rabbit story would say you just became real.
Two things about our grand boy bag ritual make me chuckle. One, they always check the bag to make sure it’s completely empty. Upside-down-shake-it empty. And two, they hand their bag back to us. For next time. What if we approach our senses of the Spirit in the same way? Gifts freely given, always there, ready and waiting to bring joy. All around joy. Why can we expect such wondrous things of the Spirit?
Because we know.
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