Welcome to a place of spiritual refreshment and contemplative conversation

Monday, July 6, 2020


Here's a new...or maybe an old...thought for your day!

What if the place where you are “standing” right now--the personal situation room of your life--is actually holy ground?

There’s a wonderful Bible “once-upon-a-time” kind of story about Moses who, while out tending his father-in-law Jethro’s sheep on “the far side of the wilderness,” discovered a burning bush. His curiosity got to him. He checked it out...then heard a voice, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”

Religious or not, we all have our working definitions of the holy ground in our lives. These are “places”-- physical, spiritual, or sentimental--that are special and maybe even sacred to us.

Wherever they are, we tend to think of our holy grounds as sacred spaces we “go” to. But what if this is holy ground right here--right where we’re standing at this moment in our day? In our life? What if holy is everywhere?

What if our latest crisis has some sacred dimension? What if...some person or relationship we’re struggling with, the task we don’t want to do, a moment of deep loss and grief, this fresh (or old!) experience that’s twisting us into an emotional pretzel, some great thing that just happened to us...is actually holy ground?

Why is this good to think about? Because wherever or whatever, our holy ground is powerful. Powerful because we give what we deem holy in our lives a certain power over us. Powerful because we let it directly affect how we look at--and think about--ourselves and the world. Maybe most of all, powerful because when we open ourselves this "holy right here" dimension we open ourselves to stepping toward, listening to and learning from them. Just like Moses.

There’s lots to love about this story (Exodus 3), so rich in metaphor and meaning that I’m not even scratching its theological surface. But go find your Bible, read and sit with it for a while. Ask “What does this mean FOR ME?”

If we don’t stop, look and listen to what the holy ground right in front of us may be trying to say, we’re doomed to live in our mental attics while the world needs us out on the front porch--and maybe in the streets.


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