Welcome to a place of spiritual refreshment and contemplative conversation

Friday, May 18, 2018


In other words,
“This is how I do life,”
or at least,
this or that little piece of it.

No, it’s not a banner my ego
needs to raise up high for all to see.

It's just a quiet testimonial
that I am who I am
along with its silently liberating corollary:
you are who you are
—and that this is good, right
and salutary.

You can stake the same claim.
After all, uniqueness is by no means exclusive.
It knows no bounds.
It may not even be unique to this universe.
No one knows.

What we do know is this. . .
you and I can treasure
our own and each other’s distinctiveness.
What we do know is that. . .
by doing so we--and all life around us--
will flourish within this sweet reality.

So no, “This is how I do it,”
is not some self-aggrandizing declaration
I need to strut, peacock-like,
before you or anyone else,
not even the sky above.

It's simply a statement
that I secretly speak from time to time
to reorient my inner compass toward
its delightfully emancipating
"true north."

I gently whisper it into my mind’s ear
—especially at those times when
I’ve forgotten who I am,
and I’ve tried to be someone else
(probably you)
and I’ve spilled over
into their (probably your) space.

What I do need
—and want—
to say to you and the cosmos
is this:

“I’m sorry.”

I’m sorry for all the times
when I try to change you
because I’ve forgotten who I am,
for all the times when I succumb to thinking
that you or something about you
looks better to me than me,
and for all the times when I do not
respect, cherish and nurture your own
“This is how I do life.”

"When I look at your heavens. . . the moon and the stars. . . what are human beings that you are mindful of them?. . . Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them [each] with glory and honor. " (Psalm 8:3-5)