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Monday, March 27, 2017


Look at how we relate to each other.

Based on personal experience, we know there are certain dynamics all of our one-on-one relationships have in common. These dynamics range from love to hate, loyalty to rejection, forgiveness to revenge, intimacy to estrangement, etc.

Pick any one of your close relationships.  Notice how, the more “personal” it is, the easier it is to identify with these different dynamics. Relationally speaking, we have a lot in common with each other.

After all, isn’t this is why we all love a good love story? We can relate!

But, if we peer into the particulars of any one of our relationships more deeply we see something else: Absolutely every single relationship we have is unique and different from all the rest. In fact, the more intimate the relationship is, the more unique it becomes. At this writing, the world’s population is estimated to be 7,493,618,067, yet put any two of us together, and the resulting relationship will be different every single time.

Why would it be any different when it comes to God?

For each of us, our one-on-one relationship to God is wonderfully unique and personal—even intimate—and is meant to be so! This doesn’t mean we all know different “Gods.” It means we all know God differently. In other words, we each have a relationship with the God that only we can know.

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